Nick Linford

Nick Linford

Nick is ADI's director and apprenticeship expert

About Nick

Just how much did providers earn and subcontract?

The ESFA appears to have stopped routinely publishing provider apprenticeship funding values, so on the 19 October I submitted an information request to the DfE (see here), also asking for subcontracting values.

The response, was a spreadsheet with every provider listed, alongside (for both 19/20 and 20/21) their earnings (funding including employer incentives), payments (excluding employer incentives) and funding subcontracted.

You can download the full spreadsheet, as received, from the ADI data page here, as see the totals in the table below.


The totals above show subcontracting fell as a proportion of payments from 9.5% in 19/20 to 7.2% in 20/21, as seen in the pie chart below.


Apprenticeship provider payments 20/21 £

Source: DfE response to ADI FoI

No Data Found

In terms of provider numbers, the top 10 providers by 2020/21 payments were:


In terms of provider subcontracting, the top 5 by 2020/21 payments were: